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Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

Firm offering APIs related to programmable communications as a service seeks support installing user behavior analytics software on their website

A startup operating in the communications as a services industry wanted to analyze their user's online behavior for guiding their product development strategies. Easie provided assistance to this client by setting up advanced digital analytics software and API integrations, enabling them to precisely analyze the specific user interactions relevant to their business.

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Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

Healthtech firm requires updates to their internal admin portal to make updates to the database more accessible and streamlined for the internal team

Healthtech firm requires updates to their internal admin portal to make updates to the database more accessible and streamlined for the internal team. Easie me with the heathtech's tech team to determine specific needs and built a solution that allows more users to make these updates directly and securely.

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Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

Platform for healthtech requests research, analysis, and development of database to manage fields, values and analytics of their business operations

Platform for healthtech requests research, analysis, and development of database to manage fields, values and analytics of their business operations. Easie helped research and inform the organization about their options between relational database (SQL) vs non relational (NoSQL) to help the business make the best decision moving forward.

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